Menorah Foundation School

Menorah Foundation School


History Lead: Mrs Seshold


At Menorah Foundation School we endeavour to teach history and historical enquiry within a broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils will develop a sense of chronology and make connections with topics previously studied, both within the United Kingdom and the wider world. We aim to design a curriculum that makes links with Jewish history, helping the children to make connections with their own cultural background. Through carefully planned, progressive lessons, we will incorporate topics that teach children about backgrounds, cultures and experiences that are different to their own. 

Our intention is to equip our children with the necessary skills to make deductions about history from their exploration of a variety of sources. Our pupils will use reading as a gateway to knowledge to deepen their understanding of historical events. Children will leave Menorah Foundation School with a knowledge of key events in history and the confidence to question and be curious about the world around them.

How We Teach History at MFS

Based upon The National Curriculum and the individual needs of our pupils, we have created a history progression map which sets out the key historical skills and knowledge taught in each year group. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Throughout their time at Menorah Foundation School, children will have the opportunity to learn about history through the ages. 

To support children in their ability to know more and remember more, there are regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous topics, as well as previous lessons and year groups. 

Throughout our school, timelines will be displayed so that the children are aware of where the period of history they are learning about fits in with the learning across the school. We study genuine artefacts, where possible, leading to enquiry, investigation, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and presentation.

We plan for effective use of educational visits and visitors, to enrich and enhance the pupil’s learning experience and the history curriculum.

Key vocabulary is displayed in each classroom and is regularly referred to throughout the learning journey by both teachers and students. 

Teachers’ lesson design is not limited by the scheme and teachers have access to further guidance from other schemes and national agencies, including the History Association.

We monitor progress regularly through learning walks, lesson visits, book looks and pupil voice.



By the end of the history curriculum at Menorah Foundation School, our children will: 

  • Learn lessons from history to help shape the decisions they make in their lives. 
  • Be excited and curious about history.
  • Have a wider vocabulary of historical terms.
  • Have a chronological understanding of history through the periods that have been learned.
  • Know that they can use their voice to express themselves and their opinions.
  • Develop their historical enquiry using a variety of genuine artefacts and sources.